Category Archives: Uncategorized

Walking the Walk

It is easy to say, “Be happy.” To say, “Be confident.” To say, “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself.” And it is relatively easy to be all of those things when life is going smoothly. It’s when we face the challenging times that we have to look in the mirror … and walk that walk. One day at a time. Sometimes we’ll stumble or get lost. But keep on going. What helps me through it?

MUSIC. It can always brighten my mood. Love these music icon masks. Can’t say I would actually wear one, but some of you crazies might.

music masks
FRIENDS. Spending time with positive people is amazing. Uplifting. No need to say any more. I LOVE this site and all of their art prints.


EXERCISE. OK, Don’t hate! Get out and do something. I prefer weight training. NO cardio these days. I have learned after 20 years (WTF!) that weight training is most important. And makes the most difference, for me at least. Never leave home without this sound investment of lulu lemon wunder under pants, girls.

lulu  lemon
GRATITUDE and AFFIRMATIONS. Write and read them daily. They are little pops of sunshine on a cloudy day. And a way to reprogram the brain in a good way. Not like Body Snatchers or anything.

Brain Candy

Want a happier existence? Then start filling that head with good things. Like every day. Each minute. You feel me? Morrissey definitely could use some help in that area — but I just love that guy regardless. His brutal honesty is endearing. And who wouldn’t want their own custom Ouija board with Moz leading the way. LOVE.

morrissey ouija board

At least Moz stays true to his heart and creates beautiful art. What are you passionate about? A good question to think about.

I get excited about eating good stuff. These Scotch ice cream bars with Espresso and a graham cracker crust. Yes. Thank you Sweet Paul.

elephant bar

Gift idea of the day: A tipi! They are kind of hot right now. For the dog. or the cat. or you.


Enjoy this day!

Love and Rockets

I believe fully that the journey we are on is most importantly an inward one. It’s the long road to learning to really love ourselves. This is a lifetime deal. But a great and profound one! Loving and giving to others is also such a gift in our lives. This time of year is special because we get to get out of ourselves for a bit, and hopefully express our gratitude towards the amazing people in our lives. That’s what it is about – not being the most expensive gift. But a meaningful one.

I think what people usually remember getting from me are things like homemade cards, or when I bake. Just a little sweetness for thought as you embark upon the holiday chaos. A few tangible gift ideas:

Cozy comfort. Who doesn’t want a soft throw blanket. Favorites are at Restoration Hardware.

restoration hardware throws

Giving Keys. I love these – especially the story behind this company. They help and employ homeless to create these gorgeous pieces, giving them a new start and opportunity to create a better life.

giving keys
I knd of love the idea of a stock the bar party. If your friends are into the spirits, that is. Thank you Formal Fringe.


I am such a huge fan of meditation (and Deepak Chopra, as most people in my world know) – it has changed my life. So giving the gift of inner calm is also highly recommended for the appropriate audience!

deepak chopra meditations

Hope you feel the love – especially for yourself. XOXO

Sign Me Up

Say yes. Sign up for life. We have been given a gift! Please don’t ever forget that.

Animals stay in the moment and do not forget to live fully every day. They even let us do annoying things. Like dress them as humans.

pug in tie

I read a list of ways to enhance your life – and baking was on the list. I fully agree, there is just something soulful about creating something warm in the oven. I think I will try Sweet Paul’s potato chip cookies next.

potato chip cookies

 It’s also time to get cozy. with blankets. and books. and fires. and yourself. LOVE.

cozy time

And scarves. Never leave home without a bitchin one.

Hope you say yes to the miracles that await you.

In the Moment

This very moment is all we have and are guaranteed. I always remind myself of this – and wonder…how can I make today the best?? Oh, there are so many ways. Like spending the extra cash and getting the guacamole, or the whipped cream, or the extra espresso shot. Come on now, no cheapskates allowed. More money will arrive.


Filling that headspace with positive thoughts. Consciously. That’s another way to enhance your experience this very second. And go bake something, for pete’s sake. Thank you Joy the Baker, for the cinnamon sugar popovers. Come over anytime!


 In the moment, when you are tempted to judge another, look in the mirror. Nothing is as simple as it seems.


No matter what, always look fabulous every moment you can. It will kind of make you feel a little better too! In love with these amazing highlighter gel eye pencils by Marc Jacobs.

marc jacobs liner

You are blessed! xo~xo~xo

October Fest

Love October. Halloween. Halloween candy. Pumpkins. It’s a magical time of year. Time to make some pumpkin pie pudding. (Thank you A Beautiful Mess!!)

pumpkin pie pudding

It’s also a time to get a little bolder – in a good way. My girl Shaily is creating and selling these metallic temporary “flash!” tattoos over at Gold Nine Ink. They are sick – in a very good way.

If we can learn one thing from The Great Pumpkin and Charlie Brown — it’s that perception is reality. Poor kid had very low expectations (thus the rocks, instead of treats). So…remember to fill that headspace with POSITIVITY. You are amazing. You are special. You will only receive incredible treats. No rocks. That kind of stuff. On another unrelated random note, you must see the trailer for Inherent Vice. CAN NOT WAIT.joaquin

Finally, consider getting scared this month. There are haunted mazes everywhere. It will get that blood flowing. I’ve got my eye on the haunted hayride ( hear that, sis!?)

haunted hayride

Trick or treat.




Honey Thieves

I have a love/hate relationship with bees. I’m allergic to them. But I must save them if I see one drowning in a pool. They are part of nature — and isn’t nature stunning!? This morning the sky was beautiful. Beauty is all around us –


Speaking of beautiful things, a cool black boot is essential for anyone’s wardrobe. I found the PERFECT one this weekend. Going back for the grey ones soon…

edelman grey boots

I’ve been a little obsessed with finger tattoos for some time now. Discovered through my little sis the brilliant Dr. Woo. Insanely talented. Might have to pay him a visit some day.


And speaking of thieves…avocados have stolen my heart, if that’s even possible. I literally eat them every day. Now, avocado fries take happiness to a whole new level. Thank you Food Republic.

avocado fries

Thank you everyone who takes a minute to read this. Wishing you all happy hearts.

The Apple Core

Happy September! I love the idea that Fall is on its way. This means pumpkins, orange, zombies, Halloween. All my faves. My other fave thing to do is to get in touch with my core. There is wisdom there in all of us, if we can access it. Going within is calming. If you are looking for peace, it’s in there too. Lots of figurative treasures to be found. OK, you get it.

Orange is the new everything.

orange dress

 Yesterday, I had an ice cream sandwich for lunch. Some rules are definitely made to be broken. Test your limits once in awhile.


 Back to Fall. And sweets. Love these Halloween-inspired chocolate waffle cookies.


Back to Zombies. Do your part, and I thank you kindly!

wash hands

Semantic Fields Forever

We all have a different and unique lens at which we look at the world. Our very own perception. This is why it is so important to not judge others. And to understand that how we see things may not always be how they actually are. Like Buddha says – Don’t believe everything you think!

But Mondays…I think most of us can agree about that.


Lightening things up a bit…Too Faced has come out with a new line of makeup containing cocoa. It’s totally insane, in a good way. Plus: can brighten up your face — even on a Monday morning.

chocolate soleil too faced

I am proud to say I have successfully added daily meditations to my existence. What a blessing and inner calm. You can find great guided ones just by typing in Deepak Chopra Guided Meditations on YouTube – shhhh! Cool stump avail. here! Doggy not for sale.


May you find sunshine in your life each and every day.

yellow sunrise


Eat. Less.

Blogging hiatus is over. Again. What have I learned in the last several months? That faith matters, ego doesn’t, and trusting in the infinite organizing power of the universe is the way. Also, I am about to bust wide open this billion dollar diet industry. JUST EAT LESS – if you desire to shed lbs. You don’t need hours on the treadmill. Or low carb. Or TRX. Or dare I say it … juice fasting!? Pick up a few weights to strengthen the muscles, and eat less.

You can still have whatever you want. If I ate these gooey raspberry nutella cakes for breakfast (thanks What Katie Ate!), I would just skip dinner. I swear it works.


Don’t forget to check in on the people in your life you care about. Nothing matters more than good friends and family.


Creativity also matters. Instead of doing what everyone else does…why not switch it up? Have a cereal and donut-themed birthday party or shower. Brilliant, Indigo Bunting.


Grateful. Find it in every day and every moment.
